Get Ready!!
Our ServicesEquine-assisted activities* (EAA) are widely recognized as beneficial options, other than traditional therapy, for people with physical, developmental, intellectual, and emotional difficulties or disabilities.
The horse that has been chosen for your child will be brought up to the mounting platform. The session leader will assist your rider onto the horse while the horse leader and side-walker help get them into position.
The interaction between people and horses is powerful and has a wide range of benefits. The horse is the tool that can transform a child’s/riders life. The movement of the horse mimics the human walk sending messages to and from the brain that the legs are moving and walking. The horse provides a stimulating, dynamic surface that promotes focused attention and increased learning ability that can translate into life skills.
The benefits of horseback riding for people with disabilities have been recognized for over three hundred years.
EAA is any specific center activity including Therapeutic Riding, mounted or ground activities, grooming, stable management, parades, demonstrations, drill, etc. in which the center’s participants, volunteers, instructors and horses are involved.
Individuals with a various range of disabilities such as Autism, cognitive disabilities, developmental delay, Down syndrome, mental illness, and emotional disorders have responded positively to Equine Assisted Activities. Riding for those Cerebral Palsy and traumatic accidents find an effective alternative to develop muscle tone and relaxation, improve posture, and coordination, with the added advantage of the tri-dimensional movement of the horse’s gait.
The bond that develops between human and horse also opens up many new opportunities, such as independence, self esteem, and social interactions and skills.
Safety is the top priority of the program. All riders are required to wear regulation safety helmets and are supervised at all times by a horse leader and either one to two side-walkers, or spotter depending their level of ability and skills. We start riders for our EAA program at 2 years old.
*Hippotherapy is a medically prescribed procedure that is conducted by Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapists, or Speech-Language Pathologists.
Please contact us at 833-344-6821 or email us if you have any questions.
Therapeutic Riding is the use of horses and horse-related activities to achieve benefits that enhance physical, cognitive, social, emotional, behavioral, and educational skills for individuals with disabilities or special needs. Unlike Equine Assisted Activities, which is geared towards goals related to a child’s disability, therapeutic riding focuses on riding skills and the relationship between the horse and rider.
Horseback riding allows the rider to use the entire body to steer, control, and adjust the horse while maintaining their balance. The horse’s movement (gait) is rhythmic and mimics the movement of a human when they walk. As the horse moves the rider’s pelvis moves 90 degrees to the horse’s pelvis in the same rotation and side to side movement that occurs while walking. The adjustable gait (seat) allows the rider to continually adjust the horse’s impulsion (forward movement) that promotes core strength, balance, coordination, muscle tone, flexibility, motor planning, awareness, and confidence, as well as increased self-esteem.
The rider will complete exercises on horseback that will help them to progress in ability and horsemanship skills. Basic skills are taught, such as walk, halt (ho), trot, and back, that allows the rider to safely control their horse. As they increase their skills they will advance towards becoming independent riders. The riding naturally increases posture, self-control, and problem-solving.
Horseback riding and horse care gives children a feeling of freedom, purpose, and independence. There are numerous benefits related to riding including the sense of accomplishment, improved listening and communication skills, sensory awareness, concentration, and patience, just to mention a few.
Safety is the top priority of the program. All riders are required to wear regulation safety helmets, closed riding shoes with a heel and are supervised at all times by a horse leader and either one to two side-walkers, or spotter depending on their level of ability and skills.
Please contact us at 833-344-6821 or email us if you have any questions.
When you arrive you will be greeted by the session leader or one of the volunteers. Your rider will be asked to wear an ASTM/SEI certified riding helmet that we will provide for the session if they do not have their own. The horse that has been chosen for your child will be brought up to the mounting platform. The session leader will assist your rider onto the horse while the horse leader and side-walker help get them into position. A typical session is 30 minutes long, which includes mounting and dismounting time. Sessions include stretching exercises, eye-hand coordination tasks, left/right crossing the midline movements, strengthening exercises, and games, all while on horseback. The rider is asked to do everything to each directions to improve both sides equally. As they progress they will start working on basic riding skills. Parkwood Farms has a ¾ mile, wooded trail that is decorated to stimulate conversation, as well as the senses. Nature provides the perfect blend of smells, sights, sounds, and uneven surfaces for a well rounded experience. The riders will work on many skills including, but not limited to counting and color, shape, and animal recognition. The walk on the trail includes a visit with the resident goats, the noodles, and the clip clop of the horse’s hooves over the wooden bridge. Each Riding session, either Equine Assisted Activities or Therapeutic Riding, is tailored to meet the needs of each individual. We will include goals from their IEP or ISP into their sessions when provided. Some riders do not enjoy the structure of the exercises and games. They obtain most benefit experiencing the movement of the horse and taking in the calmness of their surroundings. At the end of the session the horse will line up on the center line of the covered arena and the rider will be assisted to dismount. A volunteer will return you child to you at the top of the mounting platform. Please contact us at 833-344-6821 or email us if you have any questions.
Rider Forms for Download :
These should be filled out and brought in when you arrive for orientation
Family Packet Download Here

eMail Us
7:00 am set up
8:30 am first riders
12:00 pm last riders
12:45 finish with turnout
1:45 pm. set up
2:30 pm. first riders
6:00 pm last riders
6:30 pm Feed & turnout
ph: 833-344-6821
fax: 404-537-9355
Parkwood Farms Therapy Center, Inc.
2519 Parkwood Road
Snellville GA 30039