Get Involved


Volunteers are Welcome

Volunteers are an invaluable asset to the Center. Without volunteers, the riders would not have their weekly sessions. The center provides up to three volunteers per horse and rider for every Equine Assisted Activity or Therapeutic Riding session; one to lead the horse and one or two that serve as “side-walkers”.

Volunteers are needed to help with the everyday operation of the facility, in order for Parkwood Farms Therapy Center to run smoothly, maintain the upkeep, and continually improve the programs that can be offered. The center’s volunteers help with grooming and exercising of the horses, keeping the tack room clean and neat, and fulfilling the general upkeep of the barn, arenas, and grounds.

Groups and families are welcome to join in on “Workdays”, designed for everyone to pitch in and give the facility a good “once-over”. These events are always very productive and a lot of fun! Check the calendar for the next scheduled workday or contact the center directly about scheduling your group or organization’s own workday.

The reward…

At Parkwood Farms Therapy Center, volunteers experience the satisfaction of knowing that they have made a difference in a rider’s life. If not for our volunteers, these riders would be denied the opportunity to experience the benefits that can improve their Quality of Life. A desire to give back and help someone else is what drives our volunteers; it is gratifying to see the progress the participants make in their abilities. What a great group of volunteers the center has!!

Parkwood Farms Therapy Center, Inc. honors its volunteers in a variety of ways. We participate in Equis Foundation, which allows volunteers to register their hours, and become eligible for scholarships and drawings. Volunteers receive gift certificates from local merchants or some other tokens of appreciation for their dedication. Any volunteer that has documented 25 or more hours per year has their name entered in a drawing for a color television at the end of the year. Cookouts and holiday parties for the volunteers are regular events. Coffee and hot chocolate on cold winter days, and lemonade or water on hot summer days help to let them know we care.

Find Your Place At Parkwood Farms Therapy Center

The Center has a list of Volunteer Opportunities that includes, not only helping during sessions with the riders and horses, but activities that could fit a variety of interests and expertise. No previous experience is necessary. The only requirements are that the volunteer be 14 years of age or older, likes to help others, is dependable & responsible, and has a positive attitude. Parkwood Farms Therapy Center provides training and orientation for all aspects of their therapeutic programs, including horse care and handling.

The center conducts orientation for new volunteers to work with the horse programs, these are held during regular session times. See below for times. Horse leader orientations are held periodically and are by invitation only.

Below is our current session schedule (updated 01/01/2016).

This is changed frequently as we add new students.

New Volunteer Orientation Schedule

Tuesday: 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Thursday: 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Volunteers also needed for weekend / weekday feeding, grooming and turnout, If you would like to become a volunteer or need more information, please contact us at 833-344-6821 or email us with questions (use the form to the right).

Please contact us at 833-344-6821 or email us if you have any questions.

Look No Further, Opportunities Are Here 🙂

Parkwood Farms is always looking for volunteers to help the everyday operation of the facility to run smoothly and to continually improve the facility and our services. Contact us at 833-344-6821 or fill out the form on the right to register for an upcoming orientation class.

Horse: Horse handling/leading*, Sidewalking*, Grooming and barn help*, PATH-Certified Riding Instructors

Feeding and Grooming: AM feeding, Weekends, Non-session evenings

On Call: Grooming and barn help, Horse handling, Hay, feed and supply pickup

Certified Caregivers for Special Needs Children: During community skills program, After school & holidays respite programs

Grounds-keeping, Landscaping, Maintenance: Landscaping Design & Installation, Maintenance around facility and trails

Cleaning Service Person

Fundraising and Event Planning

Interested in Volunteering?

Please fill in the blanks below and click the SUBMIT button to get started.

* indicates required

(###) ###-####

/ /
You must be at least 14yrs old to volunteer.

Volunteer Forms for Download :

These should be filled out and brought in when you arrive for orientation

Volunteer Info Packet Download Here

New Volunteer
Orientation Schedule

Tuesday: 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Thursday: 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm

PFTC Volunteers


7:00 am set up
8:30 am first riders
12:00 pm last riders
12:45 finish with turnout

1:45 pm. set up
2:30 pm. first riders
6:00 pm last riders
6:30 pm Feed & turnout


eMail Us

7:00 am set up
8:30 am first riders
12:00 pm last riders
12:45 finish with turnout

1:45 pm. set up
2:30 pm. first riders
6:00 pm last riders
6:30 pm Feed & turnout

ph: 833-344-6821
fax: 404-537-9355
Parkwood Farms Therapy Center, Inc.
2519 Parkwood Road
Snellville GA 30039